Beware, Observe, THINK!
Welcome to the cremation ground!
What is being cremated? Why… “You” of course!
The “You” that you think is you…
Your thoughts. Your beliefs. Your misconceptions…
Therefore, it is advised that you do not consume the content on this site. Lest, you be transmuted as what you think you know gets yanked from your storehouse of impressions.
Here, the flames of intense yearning for spiritual truth consume that which stand in it’s way.
Here, we leave the sordid world of mortals behind, and gaze into the mouth of absolute reality.
Here, we burn the KKK matrix of Karmas, Kleshas and Konditioning and revel in the light of their destruction.
The price of admission? Incineration…
Think twice before you enter, for once seen, certain things can never be unseen.
What is The Smashan?
The word smashan (or shmashaana) is a cremation ground, where dead bodies are brought to be burnt on a pyre. Burning dead bodies in this context comes from Hindu tradition, but it’s not exclusive to Hindus.
Within the context of a number of mystery traditions emerging from, or related to the Indus Valley, the smashan has spiritual significance. It is often portrayed as the playground of ghosts, spirits and various deities. And as such, magicians of all sorts visit the smashan to achieve various ends.
So… Why this virtual smashan?
While the Internet is devoid of flesh bodies requiring incineration, there are many thoughts floating around which could use a good burn. And in this smashan, we focus on incinerating the dead thoughts related to the concepts of spirituality, magick, yoga, tantra and social structure.
Hopefully, through the burning of such dead thoughts, the thinker can be free of their obstruction, and move on to better and more productive ones. After all, a huge chunk of human awareness is tied up in such dead cognition, and you may find your mind soaring the highest heavens if you simply de-clutter it. That’s a core intent behind the site.
If you have no cultural context for a smashan, it is highly recommended that you read up on it online. You can, for instance, read a bit about it here.
Also… Pay attention:
While we may take a lighthearted, and at times, humerus approach with the messages, this is no laughing matter and one is advised to take it dead seriously – no pun intended.
What is written on our pages is not some random pontification. It is about you. It is personal. It applies to you. And it is meant for you to think on them, so that you can use them as a tool for liberation.
For instance: In tantric teachings, one very useful if not crucial technique or goal is to die while you’re still alive. And while this instruction has many interpretations and secrets associated with it, one such secret is to face death head on, on observe yourself pondering it’s imminence. For awareness of death is a universal solvent that can be used to free the magician and the mystic.
Part of this is achieved by a visit to the cremation ground (or graveyard, or the chopping block, or the slaughter house, or whatever else you imagine that works for you). This way, when death is staring you in your face, you can “jolt” yourself, and wake up from the walking daze of slumber that most people call ordinary awareness.
Remember: most human culture, religion and superstition is built around the avoidance of death. When you see this, and observe it in yourself and in others; once you see through the extreme form of mental gymnastics your brain can engage in to distract you from death… You are on to something.
It is with this intent, this site portrays the devouring flames of time, waiting for you. It is the backdrop on which everything written should be considered.
In this sense, the flames are meant for you to focus on them. They are meant for you to look at them head on, without avoiding them, without escaping into fantasy, without distractions, dread or confusion.
Use this key. Read our thoughts. And FREE YOURSELF!