Mind “Stuff”

Mind “Stuff”

An obvious remark:

We are in full control of the contents of our mind.

I like to think of the mind like a garden.

  • We can weed out the undesired thoughts, habits and imagery.
  • We can plant seeds that bloom into empowering, enlightening, and even entertaining foliage.
  • We can attentively water that which we want to keep.
  • And dismantle that which does not serve us.

The contents of our mind is up to us.

If you tend to your mental garden, your mind will work in harmony with you.

That being said, the ideal organization of a mind should not be confused with “enlightenment”. Still, it is useful:

Our typical mental condition, which is mass produced by modern society, is like a car. It is excellent for driving around, but useless when you need to cross an ocean.

By re-engineering our mind, we can turn it into a boat and cross the stream…