God With Death
Many of those who are terrified of death, cling to God with ardent faith.
In our consensus reality, religion happens to be a very popular method for coping with death. Sure, there are other beliefs and even some promising scientific advancements that if not claim to overcome, at least hint at delaying the demise of one’s body. But religion has numerous supporters, and due to the “bandwagon effect“, many people instinctively trust it more, supporting and propagating it.
This propaganda can give you a glimpse of some deeper things:
Next time you get a chance, take a look at pro-life-protesters, or those rallying against euthanasia. Forget their words, their dogma, and the their political ideation. In fact, if you can watch it on a screen, turn off the volume and just read the facial expressions. Your neurology will automatically recognize their emotions from their facial expressions. You’ll see that it’s not devotion. It’s not compassion. It’s not even anger. It is simply fear, terror and dread that’s possessing them.
Most of human religious expression derives it’s power from the emotion of fear, specifically fear of death. Especially Christianity, with its God that cheats death, it’s mourning rituals of tears and sadness, and it’s burial rites such as embalming, betray a mindset that is horrified of death.
This is important to understand because “human” is something to be overcome if we are to find Attainment. And it appears that the religious pattern, rather than helping us ascend to a higher level, is instead only serving as a coping mechanism so that we can go right back to sleep.
Meditation in a smashan can serve as a fantastic remedy to this situation…