Tragedy of Re-Birth
Life is a marvel. Discussing birth is moot, if you happen to be reading this. Death is annoying. But re-birth is a true atrocity…
Sometimes I cruise world news and observe humans living in their natural habitat: not cities or suburbs, but rural villages and small tribes. After all, people have been living in this pattern for close to a hundred thousand years, in cities for perhaps only ten thousand, and only for the last hundred in our comprehension of a metropolis.
I watch and observe these natural humans. From the befuddled expressions of crowds of onlookers, who may well be observing a camera for the first time in their lives, I can glean into their aura and get a sense of their life impressions. What I see troubles me…
Mahendranathji talked about how human life is a tool for Cosmic Spirit to enjoy living. He claimed that pagan life in a pastoral paradise where natural joys of living are explored could be the ideal setting for such a life. While this is fine and dandy, it does not include some other aspects of existence which are vitally dear to me, without which, life itself seems as pointless as rebirth as a rock.
These aspects are The Mysteries of Science, which can only be had through Saraswati, who by and large, does not seem to grace most human births. Observing natural-ignorant-uneducated humans makes this fact much more apparent and lets me ponder. And it allows me to see that without Her blessing, many delicious aspects of human potential cannot unfold.
For instance, without Saraswati, one cannot differentiate between propaganda and news, which majority of North American youth don’t seem to be able to, opening their minds to being shaped by the state. Without Her guidance, one cannot cultivate informed consent, without which expressing one’s will becomes practically impossible. Without Her tutelage, one cannot begin to comprehend the Cosmos, and gets stuck in backwards religious patterns. Without Her tips and tricks, one cannot even enjoy the senses to their maximum delight, and becomes a slave to hormones!
There are a number of worthwhile aspects of the human experience. One is the sense, or the shape and form, of living. And this can be had over and over and over again, through the gate of any human womb.
But the other worthwhile aspect, Knowledge, is a limited commodity. Once one collides with it, it ruins you for all other lives. You see that it builds on and on, goes on forever. There is no end to it. Letting go of it and stepping into another life of ignorance becomes unacceptable. Memory becomes sacred, and the limitations of the human brain become frustrating.
Most of all The Tragedy of Re-Birth becomes crystal clear…
The Gnostics think that souls are tricked into taking re-birth on this plane. I think this is a very handy model. After all, what is the use of learning lessons if one cannot remember them when they most count?
True Knowledge is sacred. Knowledge that empowers you. Knowledge that delights you. Knowledge that serves you. Knowledge that frees you. Knowledge that lets you discover and experience who you truly are.
Take a moment and absorb these thoughts… for this line of thinking is a direct blessing from Sri Saraswati. And the awareness She grants becomes the foundation for our escape…