Without Sri Lakshmi’s Blessing

Without Sri Lakshmi’s Blessing

We live in a very interesting world…

Many things are possible. But none become possible without Sri Lakshmi’s Blessing.

Here’s an example of what happens when She withdraws… Think about this: almost overnight Venezuela turned into a land of horror, yet, nothing changed of the labor force. People are still physically capable of maintaining their hospitals, schools, factories; everything. But none of it is getting done, because money is not exchanging hands. People don’t want to work for free, even though their dire situation requires them to pull together and do so. And the country is turning decrepit…

Remember this: the level of production and activity, and the beneficial results of such, come only through the flow of currency. It is currency that enlivens people into productive units and gives us a world of marvels. Currency is the lifeblood of any collection of humanity, from a household to a nation.

All of this happens through Lakshmi’s blessing. The world She paints is delightful. Her blessing is exquisite. Her worship is crucial.

Also remember: Mammon is the god of this world. He rides up from hell on a howling wolf, inflaming the human heart with greed and ambition. He makes money the true fetish of humanity which is the source of most human motivation. He has already conquered kings and queens, dictated the law, decided on elections, and established the industrial complexes of the world.

All of this is done through Sri Lakshmi’s Blessing. And all of this is just the start…

If we step beyond our social conditioning around money, and the knee jerk human emotional reactions that we’ve been primed with; we’ll start to see the greater play and take our delightful part in it.

Think of cities like Dubai that emerge even on wretched deserts where grass won’t grow. Think of the cyberspace where we can collect and share all knowledge. Think of our space shuttles that reach and go beyond orbit, where we can escape the sphere or Earth… All of this has happened through currency.

Yes, it is popular to think that the love of money is the root of all evil. But without that love of money, the collective masses would barely lift a finger. Humans would live in ignorant superstitious tribes, toiling the fields instead of building machines, living under tribal leaderships instead of finding republics, be subject to the rule of emotion rather than the rule of law, and have no privacy instead of the freedom to do one’s will that we enjoy in the metropolises of the day and the coming future.

Salutations and thanks to Lakshmi for this delightful blessing.

Salutations and thanks to Mammon for capturing mankind to focus on a single goal.