Cremating The Crowd-Think
The English word “spiritual” is a very dirty word because it has very little to do with Spirit and everything to do with social conditioning.
In our modern culture, the word spiritual relates to popular morality and has certain connotations. When we say someone is a “spiritual person”, it is often imagined that they are a good natured, calm minded, kind, and perhaps even a selfless person.
In this paradigm, some spiritual people pay attention to concepts like Karma and “turn the other cheek” when in conflict. Others live a life of religious piety and cultivate their devotion. And some others visit their New Age shops and dabble in interesting subjects such as Astrology or Meditation, or even things like “psychic dolphins”…
Whatever their “spiritual” activities may be, there is the silent presumption that spiritual people are less interested in things humans compete around such as social rank, material resources or sexual options. After all, they focus on philosophical, religious or metaphysical matters, and are taught to remain content with what they’ve got, resolving their problems through “learning of lessons” and engaging in acts of letting go.
This definition of the word spiritual is flawed… In fact, it is outright misleading!
Allow me to share some occult secrets about the English word spiritual:
While it is spelled as s-p-i-r-i-t-u-a-l, it should actually be pronounced as “self-murder”. It is encouraged by society because “spiritual” people make great building blocks for a compliant work-force. It is enjoyed by those who are “spiritual”, as it gives them social currency, allows them to virtue-signal, and provides ego satisfaction. And it is perpetuated by “spiritual” teachers, because it lines their pockets with cash for playing with nice “spiritual” people who look up to them.
Ultimately, the mainstream conception of “spiritual” as understood by the broader public is just another ordinary game people play as part of the tapestry of mundane life. It does not help people out of that bondage, on the contrary: it actually ties them down tighter!
An approach to life which focuses on Awakening is much more spiritual, in the intended sense of the word.
We may do well to collect everything humans in consensus reality consider spiritual in a big pile, light it up and stare at the flames, while contemplating why we happen to be breathing…