Manifesting The Promethean Fire

Manifesting The Promethean Fire

Spiritual principles have a type of “gravity”. It’s a kind of force that simultaneously pulls and pushes.

Their push is akin to the force exerted by a monolith emerging from the crust of the earth, thrusting and evacuating the matter that stands in its way. (Incidentally, what most people perceive as religion is the amalgam of the interpretations of patterns of displaced earth, filtered through imagined stories and superstitions.)

Their pull is akin to the force exerted by an magnetic field that attracts and captures metal particles on a deterministic path. (Incidentally, just as magnets don’t work on all metals, not every spiritual force matters for everyone. What traps one person into a very strict orbit, does not even exist for another.)

That’s spiritual forces in a nutshell: They pull and push people, societies and ideas.

Of course, of all the spiritual forces that impact planet earth, The Promethean Fire takes the throne of power, progress and prestige.

One manifestation of The Promethean Fire can be witnessed in the city of Dubai, where despite the oppressive regime and totalitarian tribal ideology of the cultural consciousness, magnificent buildings such as the Burj Khalifa – the tallest building on the planet as of 2021 – can emerge to towering heights of 830 meters.

Take a look at the poem, written by someone, who knowingly or unwittingly, got possessed by one current of the Promethean Fire:

“I am the power that lifts the world’s head proudly skywards, surpassing limits and expectations.

Rising gracefully from the desert and honouring the city with a new glow. I am an extraordinary union of engineering and art, with every detail carefully considered and beautifully crafted.

I am the life force of collective aspirations and the aesthetic union of many cultures. I stimulate dreams, stir emotions and awaken creativity.

I am the magnet that attracts the wide-eyed tourist, eagerly catching their postcard moment, the centre for the world’s finest shopping, dining and entertainment and home for the world’s elite.

I am the heart of the city and its people; the marker that defines Emaar’s ambition and Dubai’s shining dream. More than just a moment in time, I define moments for the future generations.

I am Burj Khalifa”

That poem does a nice job capturing the vibe of the Promethean Fire.

Of course, where there is fire, there is light… And shadows.

As I’ve mentioned many times before, The Promethean Fire, when it comes into contact with society, always casts a shadow.

This shadow spiritual force, called the tribal impetus, is the urge to return to the “safe” homeostasis of the cavemen life pattern. It despises the extraordinary, gets offended by the transgression of human limits, and above all, loathes manifestations of inequity.

Remember: human beings spent the vast majority of their evolutionary time as hunter gatherers, organised and run in egalitarian fashion where amassing any type of power – based on merit or otherwise – was strictly shunned. Unlike chimps, humans did not form hierarchies of dominance until the agricultural era. It didn’t matter if you were the one that brought down an entire herd due to your wit, or if you simply collected twigs for the fire, you got the same hunk of meat like everyone else. Merit did not exist. Collective subsistence did.

The tribal impetus is the evolutionary baggage we carry in our brain, fit for a time that no longer exists. It acts as if we still live in caves, and mistakenly assumes equity is the most advantageous way forward – in terms of the well-being of human genetic legacy.

This is why, when it encounters the glory of the Promethean Fire, instead of marvelling at human achievements that propel the species forward, those possessed by the tribal impetus will throw tantrums, bitching and moaning about all sorts of things – like the impracticality of engineering, the imperfections of blueprints, the egos of people in charge, or the injustice of starving peasants.

They miss the forest for the trees. They complain about the irrelevant, when confronted with the awesome…

The following video – which you can watch by clicking the link and visiting YouTube (will open on a new tab) – is a prime example of such bitching:

While the video makes intriguing points, at it’s core, it posits the wrong view.

It is the wrong view, in the sense that, it operates from a restricted, tribal impetus paradigm. It is akin to taking a bunch of kids from a playground, and dumping them to run United Nations… They won’t grow into their positions, and instead of solving real problems, they will start complaining about the fairness of the height of the chairs in the Assembly Hall.

Make no mistake! Humanity is transcending the human, but not all humans are transcending the tribal impetus.

From a larger, more Awakened, more conscious, more expanded perspective, The Burj Khalifa is a grand achievement and perhaps a symbol of everything that’s right about humanity.

This is because, in this perspective, practicality is irrelevant. Perfection is unnecessary. The ego, pride and even vanity of rulers are all positive, expansive and catalytic forces. And whether you feed peasants or not, doesn’t matter…

From a global, species wide perspective, the ONLY thing that matters is to escape earth’s gravity and to become a species that can reproduce among the stars.

The only thing that matters is overcoming the human.

In this context, every human event on the planet, is an attempt by The Promethean Fire to place a bet – the kind of bet that will lose innumerable times, and rarely win. But when it wins, its wins big and evolves humanity to the next step.

Of course, during this process of evolution, we don’t plan on making life miserable for the humans involved, or the humans on the sidelines for that matter. In fact, we’ll make considerable advancements toward the general welfare of such humans. That being said, we’ll make such advancements, only to the extent that it’s not a detour. It’s not about the humans involved, or the humans on the sidelines. It’s about overcoming human.

It’s the job of The Promethean Fire to stir up change, create variations, push and break through boundaries. Ever teasing the bloody sword of the Great Goddess – She Who Selects… The Wielder of The Promethean Fire, the One who has en-kindled His heart with the brilliant vision of the future, has the license to Do as He Wills, Whims and Wishes. And no, that’s not human law, and it can never be human law. But it is the cosmic law nevertheless.

Remember: It is not equity, justice or fairness the fire seeks – fire burns the virtuous and the virulent alike. Neither is it safety, comfort or pleasantry that the fire promises. It’s the Promethean >Fire< after all, not the Promethean Puddle!

When you can grasp this perspective… When you can put the planet and civilisation in this context… When you can put your personality and humanity aside in order to finally perceive reality as it is:

It all makes sense.

Humanity is moved by The Promethean Fire, involved in a process they generally benefit from, but a process that has little to do with the humans as participants or their values.

In fact, what’s amazing is not the fact that humanity advances. What’s amazing is the fact that sometimes that advancement coincides with human morality!

As the Rg Veda starts:

ॐ अ॒ग्निमी॑ळे पु॒रोहि॑तं य॒ज्ञस्य॑ दे॒वमृत्विज॑म्। होता॑रं रत्न॒धात॑मम्॥१॥

Om̐ a̱gnimī̍ḻe pu̱rohi̍taṁ ya̱jñasya̍ de̱vamṛtvija̍m| Hotā̍raṁ ratna̱dhāta̍mam||1||

(“I venerate Agni, the one who is placed on the seat of honour/in the East, divine ministrant of the sacrifice, bestower of treasure, par excellence.”)

All civilisation is achieved through the blessing of Agni, the God of Fire.

In our age, as science advances and humanity transforms, Agni is manifesting as The Promethean Fire.

And through His blessing, humanity will ascend to the stars.

We will do so not to chase the collectivist guilt of feeding peasants or building happy multi-cultural equitable societies because we’ve been told to do so… But instead… We will ascend to the stars enamoured by egoism, to placate psychopaths, to please oligarchs, and to play with power, intoxicated by ecstatic orgies, delightful of decadence, and fuelled by market victory. For the former collectivist impetus makes a dim flame if any, and the later impulse explodes into roaring bonfires!

Remember: it’s not about the morality of it! It is simply a more potent human drive that can be leveraged to compel action; Most people will go to great lengths to attend an orgy, and barely lift a finger to feed a beggar. And while most people can be made to chop wood and carry water under the crack of a whip, only the genuinely motivated – not the socially conditioned and mentally enslaved – invent.

The Promethean Fire burns where there is most fuel, and the dark triad impulses of the narcissistic, the psychopathic, and the Machiavellian make the best fuel.

And that’s not a fault in the system, or some corruption by conspiracy, or a malicious god/spirit/eggregore hijacking global culture…

It’s not a bug. It’s a feature! It is meant to be such.

Don’t you see? Manifestations like the Burj Khalifa doesn’t need to make sense, be created for maximum benefit for most people, or be practical for the population that dwells around it. It’s not about them or their concerns… It’s about overcoming limits and evolving.

Don’t you see? Who gets to live on the building, and how society arbitrates the stacking of humans into the units in Burj Khalifa isn’t constrained by notions like fairness, equity, or social justice – all made up notions to placate the tribal impetus. Which primate enjoys luxury is the most irrelevant and most pathetic monkey concern; what matters is that luxury exists and technology achieves it!

Don’t you see? The cycle of the serf religion is over. Through the invention of private corporations, we have emancipated capital from the tribal concerns of peasant subsistence. And by doing so, we have opened the gate to the stars.

Leave the puddle and the unconsciousness of the fish behind! Transcend the morality of the slave. Life is not about the little stories people tell themselves and what they have been indoctrinated to think of and feel as “right”…

Humanity is building a staircase of corpses, each step a body of the innocent, each hour toiled by the meek, each day under the rule of the dominant, so that a few random primates can make it to the stars.

All is well as is and exactly as it should be.