The Para-Golden Rule

The Para-Golden Rule

You all know the so called golden rule: “do onto others as you would have done onto you”.

While this is a useful tool for thinking as a stepping stone, it is not an eternal one. Like all other axioms that posit a specific recipe for action, it denies the “case by case” application of consciousness. After all, the golden rule fails every time a masochist and a sadist want to have some sex; I don’t want you to treat me as you want to be treated, I want you to treat me as I want to be treated – and yes, we can discuss the details and come to an agreement…

Make no mistake – the golden rule has had it’s use. It helped humans escape the Garden of Eden, mutating them from animal bands to collectivist tribes, then into the hierarchy of agriculture, and finally into the body-politic of the city.

Yet as we enter the paradigm of the spaceship, with parts of our mind externalised into silicone and assisted by AI, with the geometric growth of complexity realised by every human connected with every other human through network interfaces, with radical alterations of our body and genes, the golden rule must be enhanced and upgraded like all other moralities of the past.

Come in the para-golden rule: “None shall chose for another!”

Let me show you the derivation, or how we come to it…

Civilisation, so far, rests on 1. the rule of law including equal application of the law to every human, 2. freedom of speech & thought, and 3. pursuit of truth through reason. Of course, not all societies on the planet have come to this realisation yet, but simply by observing human migration patterns and the dominant culture (which is Western culture, both in a power sense and in a moral sense), we can clearly see that a global civilisation is settling around these values, and they will inevitably emerge as the natural expression of humanity – as humans achieve more freedom and more prosperity through the boons of science.

In the upcoming new age, however, this triad of pillars must be expanded into five pillars, as the human species hatches from a triangle into a pentagon – the sign of the Terran species. Otherwise, the triad folds in on itself and turns into a totalitarian hellhole.

The added two pillars are sacrosanct privacy and the law of consent.

Privacy, which includes private property, is the mechanism through which an incarnation – any incarnation – can be fully realised. Without privacy, individuation is not possible, and without individuation, a life and it’s purpose cannot be fully comprehended, or even experienced. Of course, privacy cannot flourish without the previous triad of law, freedom and truth properly assimilated, and therefore, it is no use trying to erect the pillar of privacy before people can trust the legal system, just as it is of no use trying to create a legal system before people can feed their children – there is a sequence, an order, and a blueprint to the architecture of civilisation!

Consent, the coronation of the sovereign individual, is the fundamental backbone through which people can interact peacefully, collaborating and competing as circumstances demand, while recognising not just the physical and mental integrity, but also the agency of others they interact with.

What is so special about consent is that it reflects the other four pillars, and therefore, a society which honours the cosmic law of consent, can only manifest as it comes into maturity of evolution. People must come to this realisation themselves, in the light of education and facts. Not through coercion. That’s part of the battle.

But the other part of the battle is that those of us who have embraced the law of consent, must live by it – which necessitates the respect for the rule of law, upholding freedom of speech, living in truth by reason, and the protection of privacy and private property. Once these are achieved, we can actually honor the individuals we interface with, and create sacred boundaries where we don’t do their thinking and make their choices for them. Similarly, we can have the sacred justification of the territory of our minds and our life streams, and defend our agency from anyone who wants to do our thinking or make our choices for us. Only once we do this – only when we embrace the law of consent – can we become bearers of the Promethean Fire.

Most humans on the planet today (2021) will not live by these observances. But fear not, for this will – rather than giving them an advantage over us – actually dis-empower them. The momentum of the cosmos favours us and the para-golden rule of consent. The future is being shaped by the Promethean Fire. And the exaltation of the law of consent is the ritual act of shaping the future.

Try it. Do it just for 33 days: When it comes to those you interact with in your society (hint: I’ll write about enemies at some point, to whom these rules don’t apply)… Don’t chose for another. Don’t think for another. Don’t advice or direct another unless requested. Don’t try to control another. Don’t play Plato, and think yourself the philosopher king that knows better than others – you don’t. Don’t be a collectivist and fall to the tribal impetus, which robs you of your choices, your freedoms and your individuality.

Take my invitation, and chose the law of consent… And see what happens.

Remember: In spirit, there is no difference between stabbing someone and choosing for someone – both rob them of their life. The idiot intelligentsia and the bible thumper fundamentalist alike – just a pair of chimps running around in ritual clothing and howling their made up credentials – miss this point, and in missing this point they become no different than the treacherous barbarian who stabs his clansmen to get his way, or the son of Adam who murders his brother in resentment.

The way out of the human predicament is recognition of the law of consent.

Also, another important point: Don’t do this 33 day experiment for another’s sake or out of altruism. Do it for your own sake. Do it selfishly. Alas, I do not recommend the para-golden rule, or anything else for that matter, to make you into a “better” person or to make the world a “better” place – whatever that means. And in no means am I choosing a path for you, I am only revealing one that society hides.

I merely recommend this path for you to emancipate yourself, if that is something you prefer. It is a key for freedom and power, not a commandment barked as if you were a slave.

It is a technique, and a revelation of what is to come…

Rid your consciousness from the moralistic chimp thinking and taste real freedom, by aligning with the para-golden rule.

And let the wonders of the cosmos start revealing themselves to you.