The Dawn of Compassion

No amount of social conditioning, religion or indoctrination can get you to comprehend compassion.

Once it dawns in you, no amount of social conditioning, religion or indoctrination can take it away from you.

There is a metaphysical and a practical value to compassion, but seeking it is a stupid. It dawns naturally through spiritual exertions.

The smashan is a ripe ground for the dawn of compassion. Rudra’s blessing with the rudraksha is another powerful vector for it.

The dictionary definition of compassion is: “sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.” This is, of course, incorrect.

Compassion might express itself as sympathetic pity or concern, but it is in fact a deeper recognition. It can be a gateway to many mysteries.

When it happens to you, simmer in it and ask yourself: Where does this compassion come from?