Enlightenment, Power & Magick for Sale

Enlightenment, Power & Magick for Sale

I am yet to meet a Guru or guide worth their salt, who charges fees for initiation into the mysteries.

Mind you, that does not include selling seminars, events, or books related to the mysteries. That’s totally fine. I’m not talking about compensating individuals for their time and energy in a mutually beneficial trade.

There are many competent teachers and guides who sell peripherally related concepts, such as books in the form of personal narratives, lectures about the academic side of things, or even consultations about physical or psychic health. There are also those who sell services which aid and assist you in creating the conditions in you for you to experience the mysteries. All of that is fine and “kosher”.

What’s not fine is pretending to teach the mysteries themselves.

Sure… Sure… You have to “pay” for, because you need to travel to them, or rent the space for you to hang out with them, etc. to access to the mysteries. That’s true.

But in no way shape or form, are the mysteries – or any real “occult” subject for that matter – is EVER for sale.

This is partially because of the occulted nature of occult subjects. The mysteries are hard to articulate. They are hard to transmit from the mind-space of one individual to another using words. Which means they are hard to quantify. Which means they are hard to comodify.

This is part of the reason why you cannot buy your way into initiation… I would in fact argue, you cannot get mantras or receive empowerment by paying fees either. It would be like buying “fluency in another language”. Yes, you may pay for language lessons to learn the language. But you cannot buy the fluency in a simple trade – that’s absurd!

And you sure as hell cannot purchase your way into a mystical experience. (Yes, you may have to pay for the brew, but the experience demands more than the brew. You are buying the brew, not the experience…)

While this fact, during my childhood and youth, was a basic and well understood concept, in the modern hyper connected, internet disrupted, every idiot with a Patreon account as a spiritual life coach world… The perception of this fact is quickly becoming eroded.

People are not only inundated with a lot of noise in the guise of information, but they are also surrounded with teachers, guides and “gurus” that offer products and services aimed at spiritual satisfactions of various sorts. People actually think they are buying magick!

Of clurse, like with all things, of the people who sell things related to the occult: Some of these are spectacular people we are lucky to enter in our light cone of impression. And others are worthless bags of shit that would make a sewer curse them for the misfortune of smelling them.

Of the worthless, again, not all are charlatans… There are quite a few of them that are. But more importantly, there is a broad set of idiots, who have not attained anything of substance, but who are nevertheless “teaching”, by basically echoing what they hear from other idiots…

As a consequence, overall, the vibe on the scene is one of incompetence rather than malicious intent – which may actually be worse.

After all, the road to hell is paved with good intentions…

Yes, of course, you can learn useful information, tools and techniques even from idiots. You can also get quite a bit of motivating pep talk which is also worthwhile – by purchasing stuff and following “teachers” online. They may be popular, or they may be fringe, it matters not. They can still teach you stuff related to the mysteries and help in your overall approach.

The point I’m trying to make here is that they cannot teach you the mysteries themselves! The bottom line is: You cannot buy your way into the mysteries.

Learning something at the rational level, discovering the terms for things, even adopting a particular practice and changing your life pattern may all be valuable. But none of that is penetrating the mysteries.

This is why, you cannot, and you never will, find anyone who is capable of taking you into the Throneroom of the Court of Power selling that trip with a sign. And this is also why, you need to beware of those who advertise to do so as a service.

Read carefully what they are offering… Are they promising results? Or are they proclaiming the transmission of a technique? Are they claiming to enlighten you or give you shamanic powers? Or are they giving you a brew?

You can buy the former. But to get the latter, you have to find. You have to ask. You have to be tested. And you have to win your way in.

In my experience, the real deal, and I mean Real with a capital R type real deal, is the kind of thing that you stumble into (if you’re lucky), and despite your lack of effort as well as your ill equipped mind, the encounter still manages to radically transform you down to the very core of your being.

And that transformation allows you to finally see the meaning behind the statement “those that know don’t speak, and those that speak don’t know”. Of course, this statement should be expanded and corrected: “those that know don’t try to speak the ineffable – especially in public – even though they may speak in a way that helps you approach the ineffable, whereas those that try to speak the ineffable have no idea what they are talking about”

By all means, continue to seek. Keep subscribing to YouTube mystics and attending weekend seminars. Run, jump, and crawl your way – with desperation of a man being chased by an army of horny rapacious bears – to that sacred moment of contact with the mysteries. Knock on the door of every idiot who speaks and see if you can get something of value.

But do NOT, under any circumstances, stop seeking and think you found it, by confusing the scraps of knowledge you’ve been sold as the real thing.

Do not sell your spirit short. Do not settle. Do not cope.

And especially beware those who publicly calls themselves a “magician” (or a practitioner of magick), or a Guru, or a spiritual guide. The real ones aren’t in it for the title, and couldn’t give two shits about how other humans perceive them.

Remember the four keys: To know. To dare. To will. And to remain silent.

Silence is the sign of power.