A Model for Human Behavior
A few days ago I was hit with this insight, and now I am able to articulate it…
We can reduce human motives down to specific principles by asking the question “which principle does this action, thought or deed serve?”
The core and primary principle is self. Yes, everything at some level is in service of the “self”, but in this context, we are talking about the individual self.
The first principle is the individual self. Seeking pleasure and survival…
The second principle is offspring, and sometimes it can trump the first principle. We see this abundantly in nature, as animals sacrifice their bodies in order to breed, just like the male spiders that become food for the female after coitus, or the female wasps that have to tear themselves into two, in order to squeeze into and lay eggs inside a fig fruit.
The third principle is tribe. Here, creatures can serve others that are like them. There may not be a blood relation between the members of a tribe, but there is still a sense of clan or family like bonding. Serving the tribe indirectly helps with the first and second principles, and also seems to be a natural tendency. In fact, if you contemplate this mode of thinking long enough, you’ll start to see that most of the human brain – especially human emotions – are geared to serve the tribe. After all, it was not simply our thumbs, but our ability to work as a tribe that exalted the human species on this planet.
Other principles can be built on top of these, such as serving a state, serving a religion, serving an ideology or even serving a corporation; but these have to be brainwashed into the individual and built around serving the first three principles, whereas the first three principles are practically hard wired into the human brain.
Using this model is quite interesting:
Lets say that you see an advertisement that says “get a brilliant smile” to sell a dentist’s services. Here, if we dig deep, we can see that the second principle of offspring is being served: getting pretty white teeth increases one’s chances of reproduction by making them more attractive.
Sure, having a good smile has other benefits as well, such as better social recognition or self-esteem. But all these benefits can be fundamentally reduced down to reproductive advantage: social recognition means greater status and more access to better mates. Higher self-esteem means more confident communication, which leads to more access to better mates. etc.
If you start thinking through this model, you’ll see human society unravel in front of your eyes. You’ll see that majority of expressions are simply a reflection of the second principle. You’ll understand that most things people consider core to their personality, are merely drugs (i.e. hormones), hijacking their mind.
But it doesn’t stop at this realization. If you keep thinking this way, you’ll be able to empower and express your will through the light of these revelations, despite your pre-historic brain which is designed to serve these three principles of survival, sex and tribe!
The occult purpose of this should be obvious, but I’ll spell it out…
The human body complex comes with a wide set of very interesting and elaborate mechanisms. Separating one’s consciousness from the influence of such hard wired influences start with their observation. Their observation becomes easy in the light of such a reductionist model – one without fancy imagery of Gods or Demons – to represent these natural phenomena. I find interacting with these principles without projecting a personality on them is much more empowering and much less troublesome.
Besides we have enough Gods and Demons floating around for the time being…
Anyway. Externalise that which limits you. Define it. See it. Comprehend it. Control it. Reign over it.
Doing this to the principles of survival, offspring and tribe will transmute you from a human being into something else. But be warned, for you must take this metamorphosis in secret lest you be misunderstood, feared, and even prosecuted.
To be free from the mental shackles that bind most of humanity yields incredible and unfair advantages in life. But it comes at the cost of turning you into a true outsider: not merely a trickster or a rebel, who are ultimately accepted incorporated into the social milieu as unappealing but necessary antagonists, but someone who is a true outsider.
Being such an outsider makes it easier to be touched by spirit. Turning you into someone who lives with one foot in another dimension, the power of which comes flooding in through the gaps you’ve voluntarily created in your thinking.
Remember: the whole point here is that your essential nature is spirit. While the human condition does indeed express that spirit, it does so in a very domesticated bandwidth, and in a range that serves – fundamentally – our genetic legacy.
This is all fine and dandy if this condition aligns your will. But if you would prefer something else… For instance, if you’d rather express your spirit in a bandwidth that serves the sovereign individual…
You also have to step outside the three principles and get touched by spirit…