A Quick Karmic Quirk
The universe does not have a ledger system.
You don’t have a karmic bank account that keeps track of what you owe, and who owes you what.
That’s not how this stuff works…
At one level, this whole karma thing has a lot to do with resonance. The more you are in tune with a particular “vibe”, the more you resonate with it.
And at another level, it has to do with reinforcement. And the more you do something, the more likely you become to do that thing in the future.
But that’s about it.
In other words, OUTSIDE OF A SOCIALLY CONSTRUCTED AND FORCEFULLY CREATED PART OF YOUR MIND THAT SEEKS JUSTICE FOR ALL, nothing in the cosmos is trying to create a balance of fair experiences.
Burn that stupid thought. Incinerate it into the ground.
And stop being ruled by it!
What you do, does not come back to you. How could it?
Those that swindle the world, get away with it. Why shouldn’t they?
If you are a slave in this world, you’ll be a slave in the next. Isn’t that what you are?
Keep worshiping entities that are trying to create perfect dictatorships of powerless servants where all are equal, and all you’ll get is this: you’ll end up being a powerless servant stuck in that perfect dictatorship.
You are NOT going to bring the dictators down by wishing it were fair, believing it were so, and magickally conditioning yourself to think that karma balances it all.
All you’ll achieve is: you’ll give your power away.
That’s why we invented karma…