About Smashan

About Smashan

Tantra inspired…

This website is dedicated to exploration, elucidation and expansion of various ideas related to Tantra.

Tantra means specific occult and magick practices. Most of these come from India, but some can be seen emerging from Tibet, China, Middle East and even Japan.

On this website, we do not discuss the “rights” or “wrongs” of these practices – make up your own mind.

Tantra is not about beliefs. It is about experiences. You can have the experience and draw your own conclusions. You can come into tantra with any set of beliefs, and leave it with any other set of beliefs. It does not matter and tantra does not care.

Tantra is more about doing what works…

This is why we often compare the ideas in tantra with Western Magickal Practices, other times contrast them with popular New Age beliefs, and even other times look at them through the lens of Chaos Magick. Sometimes we make sigils for the Cult of Kali, other times we explore mantras for the ancient Roman Pantheon, and even other times we run with Shiva on a Wild Hunt.

The intention isn’t to yank something out of context and make it lose it’s point. The goal is to highlight universal principles that reach beyond culture and paradigm. After all, if there is truth to any of this stuff, it needs to be more than make believe. It must also provide practical value.

From this perspective, we are incinerating the irrelevant to reveal the crucial.

Please note that the views and ideas expressed are only the author’s individual thoughts. They are not a presentation of any established sect or cult. They do not derive their authority from any specific source. Their validity depends on their own merit and will only be revealed in the light of fire and time.

If you wish to contact the author, try using info[at]smashan[dot]org.

PS – spammers will be cursed.