Bullshit Sacrifice

Bullshit Sacrifice

“Universe was created through sacrifice.”

That’s what some say.

But this is a type of moralist value injection… And false.

Why? How is the universe created via sacrifice? How do you know? Who does this presupposition benefit?

And most importantly, how do you define sacrifice?

I define sacrifice as “giving up” something for another thing of equivalent or lower value.

After all, if it was giving up something in exchange for something of higher value, it would be called trade.

This is precisely why sacrifice is evil. Sacrifice is the destruction of value, both individually and collectively.

In this framework, the “sacredness” of sacrifice is pushed onto people, so that, some people will sacrifice what is rightfully theirs in supplication to a special group of others (i.e. the priest class).

Think about this: why is Abraham guided to sacrifice his most priced possession, his only son? (By the way, yes, children are treated as possessions in middle eastern culture, a mode of thinking that hearkens back all the way to the code of Hammurabi.)

Abraham’s sacrifice, and his unquestioning obedience to the voice of authority is exalted, precisely because it creates the type of plebe that is willing to toil and sacrifice that which is near and dear to him, for himself as well as for his family, while at the same time, through his unquestioning obedience, enriching a minority. (Yes, I am aware it is a multi layer story and yes I recognize that there is good in the story too, that’s not my point. I’m not saying the story is worthless. And I cannot talk to you about the entirety of Abraham’s sacrifice in two paragraphs, I’m only dabbling into it. Yet… I’m dipping my toe at the end of the lake that is swampy, and if you look closely, you can see a few human corpses)

Such is the pattern of tribalism in middle eastern (as well as christian, jewish, islamic, buddhist and regrettably some contaminated hindu) mode of thinking. And this thinking fractals itself into despicable cultures which create the most backwards, most corrupt, most regressive, most restrictive, most poverty ridden societies where a few assholes exploit the majority – and those that suffer, subconsciously, and some consciously, feel that their suffering is righteous.

Pay attention to the concept of sacrifice. From the corrupt leaders of 3rd world nations to the cronies of dipshit politicians, we see this pattern over and over again: Exploiting of sacrifice.

It is a dark art that the sovereign individual must understand, defend against, and might I say, even employ…

But it must be employed extremely cautiously. Exploiting sacrifice isn’t like using a credit card. Or even borrowing money from a payday loan shark.

It is borrowing from a murderous mob.

The people who exploit sacrifice, especially those who do it repeatedly, degenerate from it, and end up weaker for it. Imagine this: The exploiters of sacrifice cannot sell their own cars for profit, even if their life depended on it. But they can manage to sell your car for half its worth and keep all of the proceeds to themselves.

Such is not profit – which is sacred – but merely theft, through the exploit of sacrifice.

Now… Ask yourself: Would a God… Would THE God… Would The Most Auspicious Being, The Infinite Intelligence of Inexhaustible Goodness, destroy something magnanimous in order to create something of lower value, in order to profit off of something that He already owns?

I call bullshit!

The universe was not created via sacrifice. It is not a metaphysical truth. It is only a moral axiom that applies to a specific tribal and agricultural tapestry, where sacrifices must be made by individuals for the survival of the collective.

At a metaphysical level, however, sacrifice does not create, it destroys. It’s a cope. It’s a toll you pay to the highway robber because you lack the arms or the capability to return him to the soil.

Remember this: Those that spew the supposed sacredness of sacrifice, simply want to sneak sacrifice into the fabric of presuppositions that frame your paradigm. They want to make sacrifice a part of the fundamental nature of the universe (in your mind), so that you never question it. So that when they ask you to sacrifice something, you do not ask “why am I making this sacrifice?” and demand that your sacrifice be justified as a counter measure to a genuine existential threat. They just want you to fall for it, unquestioning, obedient – because, after all, even God had to sacrifice.

Alas, this is the worst form of brainwashing… For it not only steals that which is rightfully yours, but it also prevents your perception of reality and projects a set of deplorable values to a deity – which will harm your approach to the diety.

Never forget: Sacrifice was invented by the priests to steal from the common man.

Yet.. Don’t lose sight of the nuance here: Offering is NOT sacrifice. You may give gifts to a deity or other spirit being. You may exercise discipline and restraint. You may practice Yama (restrictions) and Niyama (observations), to achieve particular aims.

But you do all that in order to achieve a greater overall value, for all parties involved.

Sacrifice is the definition of evil. Avoid it. Don’t buy into it.