Despising Human Nature

Despising Human Nature

I find the new age community philosophically repulsive.

This is because, through that community, mysticism has become mainstream.

And in becoming mainstream, it got diluted. In fact, it even lost one of it’s core principles…

You see… The mystic urge, from the mystery schools of the ancient middle east to the yogis of the far east, contains within it a struggle.

This is the struggle between the divine nature and the animal nature of a human being.

It is the urge to free oneself from the clutches of limitation.

It is the realization that such freedom is not possible, at least in the way in which we initially imagine it.

It is the compromise of accepting to work with the lower nature, and to do so with a resolute will to still transcend it!

And it is to do so with the proper union of opposites – the lower nature and our divine nature.

We can call this a proper union.

And this proper union – through sublimation and mastery of the lower nature into the higher being – is symbolized, ritualized and even turned into a practical practice in tantrika as the sex rite.

Yet, the operation is thoroughly misunderstood and it’s subtlety is ironically – and completely – missed in the minds of the modern day so called mystics!

These minds have many, MANY mistaken thoughts.

For instance, they equate the lower nature of man with the sexual urge. And mistakenly believe that sex is something that needs to be sublimated and mastered.

And in further confusion, particularly in the new age bend of things, they take this mistake even further and confuse themselves with thoughts like the following:

  • “The ancients thought sex was bad and should be transcended”
  • “I changed my mind. The ancients were wrong and there is nothing bad about sex”
  • “The ancients must have been wrong about this transcending thing all together”
  • “The lower animal nature in man is not a problem, it’s just misunderstood”
  • “The lower animal nature of man is actually divine. Union with it is it’s embrace!”

Reality couldn’t be farther from the truth!

First of all, the ancients – at least not until the muslim crazies came up and tried to stifle sexuality, did not think that sex was bad.

And the notion that sex needs to be transcended is a complete mistake.

Second, the sex act in tantric rites is both symbolic and practical, and is not really about sex…

It’s symbolic in the sense that it has a sympathetic relationship with both our lower nature and our divine being. In that sense, it is a unique magickal link.

It is practical, because the sex act has an effect on consciousness which can be turned into leverage – assuming a set of right preconditions!

Meaning, tantric teaching does not promulgate the mistaken notion that sex needs to be transcended. Neither does it deny the necessity of the sublimation of the animal nature.

All it does is: it provides a practical way to unite the lower nature with the divine self, in a rather fun way!

But I digress…

The main point is that, all these subtleties are completely amiss to the new age community.

And most of all, this conflict between the animal nature of man and our divine, real self – it’s totally non-existent.

It is as if, they bought a computer, took it apart, trashed the CPU, put it back together – in the wrong order – and they are sitting around it pretending that it works!

For mysticism to work, this conflict between our animal nature and our divine self is necessary.

It’s the crux of the whole matter.

It’s the root of the thing. And within it, it contains the solution…

With the intention of showing you what this conflict is, with the hope that you’ll see what I’m talking about, and with the possibility of getting you to laugh away and forget all this; I will share a series of videos.

These videos reveal, more than perhaps any other video on the Internet, what our lower nature is.

It shows how our emotions, our instincts, our impulses; how our lower nature is being exploited by industry:

Hate that which makes us fall for these ploys.

Despise the mind that restricts our divinity into such confines.

Struggle – violently – to break free.

Refuse to live as an animal.

Free yourself or die trying.

That is the mystic fire!

And the new age?

It’s the pit full of cold ashes…