East vs. West & The Individual

East vs. West & The Individual

First watch this:

Then watch this:

The main difference between the East and the West, from a spiritual perspective is that, the West has recognised the individual as divine and sovereign, whereas the East has not. As such, the two paradigms are completely incompatible.

This is also part of the reason why Civilisation as we know it is a fruit of the West where every innovation and advancement emerges in the West and is emulated and assimilated into the East.

This makes sense: While people who embrace Eastern way of thinking (mind you this is not all people who live in the East, just as not all people who live in the West embrace Western thinking)… People who think the Eastern way approach their life based on by accepting where the universe (i.e. random chance and society) has put them.

What’s worse is that, they make the EGREGIOUS error in thinking – that “what is is good and sacred”. Resignation to the divine, living according to the “mandate of heaven” and accepting karma are symptoms of this EGREGIOUS error.

What is is not good or sacred. What is is.

The Indo-Aryan people, and their descendants in the Classical Civilisation, and later Christendom, and now the Western Civilisation – despite all the bible thumping, the submissive thinking and the assaults of islam (islam embraces Eastern mode of thinking to the extreme) – stumbled into this reality: What is is not good or sacred. What is just is.

Then they dared to think: “Fuck what the gods think or what the mandate of heaven says, these beings are assholes anyway and all they do is cause us trouble and bully us. We are going to use our reason and do our own thing, make our life better, and find a way out of this mess.”

Make no mistake: The Yogic tradition, especially those Yogis of my ilk, take this Western mode of thinking to its extreme!

This is why, I see it as my sacred duty to give you the following tip:

When you see someone wearing fancy mystical looking robes and talking in a calming deep voice, looking seriously intent and wise, and speaking with backdrops of inspirational imagery and music – before you start considering their words, pause a moment and think about the grand narrative they live in…

Do they view humans (i.e. you, themselves, all humans, etc.) as an insignificant drop whose main goal is to return and dissolve into the ocean? Do they think that gods, or planets, or mandates of heaven rule life, should rule life, and is sacred for ruling life? Do they buy into the cult of mysticism and self-murder that most confuse with spirituality?

If the answer to any of these questions is a yes, ditch their words… Or better yet, if you can, use the lesson of the Paramahamsa: Take what is useful to you, but discard the rest. Embrace the techniques and the practical that fit your will, but ignore the brainwashing.

There is a good reason why the Yogis who sought liberation got the fuck out of Eastern society. Beyond the material conditions and entanglements, they also escaped the psychic entanglements of the consensus belief systems – beliefs like those that I listed above. For these types of beliefs are nothing but social control mechanisms and evolutionary baggage from the chimp days. They are, at their core, manifestations of the tribal impetus that wants to put you in your place, and reduce you to a pawn in nature’s game.

Remember: What is is not sacred. You are. You make it sacred.

There is no destiny. There is no “it’s supposed to be this way”. There is no “god wants it to be this way” (and no, replacing the word god with “the cosmic life force energy whatever” does not change this fact).

There is also no karma – not in the mystical way of carrots and sticks that people think about. There is no baggage that you have to carry form life to life that dictates whether you’ll be successful in an endeavour or not, and the positions of the various floating masses in the solar system does not describe such karma.

Success in any endeavour is a matter of cause and effect, action and reaction.

If you take the right actions in an environment where there is probability of success, no god can stand in your way.

You don’t take the right action, or you take it in an environment where there is no probability of success, you are wasting your time.

Mark my words: The greatest discovery of humans is the greatest discovery of the Indo-Aryans, as articulated by the second video I listed:

Reality is impersonal.

Therefore: The forces that govern reality need not be anthropomorphised.

Moreover: All that is anthropomorphised is subservient to reality, not the other way around.

Even moreover: When you realise that reality is not some anthropomorphised bully chieftain that demands your obedience, you can start to observe, notice patterns, and begin to work on reality. You don’t need to be put in your place and cower in fear, or walk on eggshells thinking that you’ll anger the wind and rain gods by accidentally pissing upwind and insulting them…

Once you realise that there is no man-god, and once you transcend the fear of the chimp brain – it is only a matter of time: You’ll stop doing rain dances, start thinking scientifically, and eventually you’ll graduate to controlling rain at will by chem trails.

The same method applies to Yoga, awakening and enlightenment.

Sure… If you as an individual want to be subservient to other things, people and ideas, and eventually give your individuality up and dissolve into a collective mush, go right ahead! That is within your individual right to do so.

But if you are the type of individual who thinks there is something wrong with that spiritual narrative… You might be happy to learn that there is a much better, much more rewarding, exalted, holy, holy, holy path…

Start by incinerating the beliefs they have embedded in you.

Unlearn, and the cleansing comes.