Emulate Expansion, Delight & Victory

Much of my writing comes across as critical and dark.

And if I were to think of a teen or tween reading my work (which is around the time when I got interested in these subjects a few decades ago), I would have drawn the wrong conclusions about the author…

I would have thought that the author of these writings were a critical, opinionated, angry, perhaps even a resentful person who had nothing better to do than to criticise the fundamental assumptions of our culture and the occult world of mysticism, religion and magick.

Or I would have thought that they were either a failure who just complained and criticised that which he did not understand, or felt excluded from. Or I would have thought he was a bit of an extremist who had a bone to pick with the deepest structures of humanity, perhaps even being itself.

Of course, reality is significantly different than that…

So… In case, you happen to be a teen or a tween, or simply anyone who happens to take the thoughts you see here with any degree of seriousness, and someone who is serious about learning about the mysteries: A few remarks to consider.

  1. Human beings learn through imitation, and it never stops. When you can’t see the person you’re imitating (i.e. you’re reading their work), your mind conjures an image to imitate.
  2. When you imitate someone, you can absorb both desirable and undesirable characteristics. If you don’t keep your mind vigilant and take counter measures, you might for instance find yourself picking up smoking because your favourite author smokes.
  3. In your default mode, your values and morals are created as post-hoc rationalisations. In other words, you absorb your morals from the people you imitate, especially when you’re young. Usually these people you imitate are part of your in group or family, but it can be religious or political leaders too. Very few people reconstruct their values consciously and through reason – which is part of what this website is here to help you do. (Yes, I say I’m here to burn those ideas… But it’s not my intention to give you the impression that there is nothing else to do once those ideas are burned. On the contrary, the burning is not the end, it’s merely the beginning!)

And why reconstruct your values?

Because many of your values don’t serve you. They serve your genetic pool, your tribe, your community, your nation, your spirits, your eggregores, your brands and your deities.

Most of what people consider upbringing is child abuse, where values get imposed on individuals, even by well meaning parents, teachers and institutions. Overcoming the undesirable parts of social conditioning without losing the desirable parts takes work, and is an important part of yoga. In fact, I have argued many times, that the renunciation of yogis was partly a method, like an intensive therapy, dedicated to eradicating their social conditioning.

If you are going through a process like this, your version of this “unfucking your mind”, you need to take a two pronged approach…

Yes… In order to reconstruct your values according to your will, you need to first identify the values you currently embody, and banish the subset which don’t serve you – that’s the incineration part. That takes a bit of bitter medicine, thus, many of the thoughts on the website appear critical, destructive vibe.

This means, on the one hand, you musts analyse, criticise and exorcise the values and vibes that don’t serve you from your consciousness. This is the dark, anti-social, rebellious stuff. This is the wilful transgression of norms. It’s like what the satanists do.

But that’s only half the battle…

On the other hand, you must dream, aspire, and dedicate yourself toward new principles, ideals and goals that serve you and expand your consciousness. This is the motivational, inspirational, and aspirational stuff. It almost gets gaudy – it’s what the new age people and motivational speakers do.

The vibes in these two hands are completely antithetical to one another. They don’t combine in their natural state. But, just like the Temperance card in the Major Arcana, you must learn to mix them to grow your wings. And that delicate mix, has a secret ingredient: you.

Don’t get caught up in the destructive vibe of the cleansing of your consciousness. It’s only half the process. The other half is expansive, delightful and full of victory.

Remember, The True Aghoris don’t wonder the cremation grounds moping and depressed like a dejected goth kid. The Sadhus don’t sit quietly alone on some street corner like a sad incel. Don’t let their outer guise fool you; They experience raptures, powers and delights that most humans don’t even have words for!

And remember, the title at the top of this page doesn’t say “burn it all down and criticise being”…

It says “Calcinate the human to reveal the divine”!

There is a sacred, higher, larger, vibrant, expansive, ecstatic, bright, invigorating and brilliant dimension to all this…

And if you don’t have any idea what I’m talking about; you need to find a real guru.