Gnostic vs Tantric
In the Gnostic tradition the creative/organizing principle of our solar system, or the Architect of the World is termed Demiurge. To the Gnostic, this Demiurge and it’s various minions are seen as a limiting enemy which need to be overcome and transcended, so that the individual soul can find freedom. It is assumed that the Demiurge traps souls here for some reason, but this reason varies from source to source: All the way from insanity of the Demiurge, a need to quarantine the inhabitants here as if on a prison, or the use of human emotions as an ethereal food source. In some schools of thinking, the individual re-connects with an “Alien God” figure, as if by making interstellar telepathic connection with “It”, by finding a way to hack through the scramblers of the Demiurge.
In the Tantric tradition, karma – the cause and effect relationship – is considered to be the chief organizing principle behind the Cosmos at large, as well as our planet. The paradigm suggests that these karmas get dished out to the participants through the play of the planets, which can be observed and attenuated through the use of Jyotish and Upaya respectively. The planets themselves are not considered to be “out to get us”, but instead get recognized as beings that are doing their assigned jobs. There are many alien and not so alien Divinities which an individual can connect and work with to attain freedom, or moksha, which is the freedom from re-birth on the earth plane.
To the inquisitive eye, it looks like these two traditions are talking about the same thing, but are using different terms. Yet, there is a significant difference between the two traditions which need to be highlighted:
The Gnostics approach the world, both the human society as well as the natural world, like a hacker. The way things are and the natural order of things is considered to be detrimental to us, and any being that supports the system is assumed hostile. The paradigm is very much like the world of the science fiction movie, The Matrix: We are trapped here. This is bad for us. It’s all a scam. Let’s get out!
The Tantrics have a chief concept called: Ishwara Pranidam. This means “resignation to the galactic ruler”, where that galactic ruler is considered to be Shiva, God or Om. The way things are and the natural order of things is considered to be, in general, for our benefit and development and organized by God. The whole cosmic drama is seen as a divine Lila or play or past time, where we reap the rewards of past actions.
In very simple terms, the Gnostic think that a bad guy is in charge here. The Tantrics think that no one is really in charge, but our actions.
It’s hard to say which attitude is more productive. We can either externalize the cause of our current condition as a Demiurge, or internalize it as a result of past actions. And I’m not even sure if our conception matters, as long as we get to see the limited and undesirable nature of our current condition.
Ultimately, both traditions want to get from the way things are right now to the realization and experience our full potential.
Once we get on the path, we can also use tools from both traditions. Ishwara Pranidam can be focused on that Alien God. The game of the planets with us as objects can be renounced and the Gates of the Gnostics can be used to materialize this renunciation. Even the “hostile” natural order and the mechanics of our bondage can be used to facilitate our freedom, using the techniques from tantrika.
Everything is permitted. If it works, it works…