Populist Karma

Populist Karma

In June 2016, a hunter killed a bear with a spear and posted his accomplishment on the Internet.

After the event, animal lovers called him a “sadistic piece of human flesh” and rode the wave of social currency while criticizing him. People started boycotting the hunter’s sponsor, which resulted in the sponsor pulling away their sponsorship.

An animal lover may think that social pressure from the offended brought in popular justice and got the hunter into trouble. But that is only one side of the story…

Seeing this turn of events, a community of hunters came on the scene in defense of their ilk. They accused the sponsor of cowering to anti-hunters, boycotting and bad mouthing the clothing brand in a global scale, hurting all important sales.

Back and forth it goes and the play of Karma is deep.

But that does not mean it is just, based on divine principles, or a result of enlightened thinking. Curses from cretins and blessings from morons can make or break the day. We do not need to find meaning or learn our lessons from such events.

We need to avoid them all together!