Sacred Individualism

Sacred Individualism

The human animal is tribal.

For the vast majority of it’s existence – hierarchies were also tribal.

At first, brutes that became chieftains ruled. (OK. Fine. It wasn’t just physical strength, and other personality traits played a big role in hierarchical ascent among humans, just as it does with other primates. But… dominance was maintained through violence, if not by your hand, through the hand of your allies. Therefore, it was brutishness that ruled.)

Then, for a short period of time – hierarchies became aristocratic. The clowns that filled courtrooms ruled, based on their blood relationships. Still, this was a big step up and a significant evolution: instead of brutishness, “the rightful heirs” started to rule, picked either by bloodline or the blessing of a priest/pope. The notion was that God picked the right ruler based on better criteria than the ability to dominate everyone else. More importantly, this type of power distribution scaled: brutish rule works in small tribes but not nations, at least, not in the long run.

Of course, aristocracy had it’s own problems… And it didn’t last. (Glad it didn’t!)

Luckily, over the last little minute – we had The Enlightenment, hierarchies became meritocratic, and the accomplished started rule. At least in theory.

Of course… There is corruption. There is nepotism. There is the tyranny of the bell curve and the tragedy of idiots voting in elections.

But, regardless, it’s an infinitely better paradigm than our sordid past!

In the primitive world where one’s physical stature determined one’s status, we were living purely as animals. Sure, some personality aspects did play a part, but they only played a slight part – and those personality traits that did play a part were driven much more by genetics than education (i.e. physical).

In fact, the genetic determinism of status is still a problem. Take a look at the research into human height and salary, and how they are ridiculously correlated, even still today:

For each inch above average, a worker today earns $789 more per year!

And that’s not because being taller makes them produce more value in the marketplace. That’s because, we still, like our ancestors did; react with positive emotions to stature. (Alignment with taller people increased one’s odds of survival when we were hunter gatherers, and our brains haven’t evolved much since then. One’s stature still influences one’s status)

Of course, we did progress beyond it. And even the progress of medieval aristocracy was a welcomed quantum leap.

Still… In the medieval world one’s bloodline determined one’s status, and we were still imprisoned by our birth. Whether under the nobility of the West or the caste system of the East, one’s worth was determined primarily by one’s parents.

And make no mistake! Your value and station being determined by the rank of your parents was not recognized as the abhorrent idea that it is! It was accepted and understood as the “natural” or “divine” order of things. Such is the thinking of half evolved chimps; they may have been able to look over someone’s height, but they couldn’t look over their birth…

Today, fortunately, praised be our stars, things are different.

Ever since the recognition of individualism, either in its manifestation as Western Enlightenment Values, or in it’s emergence in the East as the Sacred Nath Values; humanity has been, by a small but significant degree, emancipated.

Salary correlations aside, we are no longer, at least explicitly and consciously, organizing our hierarchies based on outdated formulations such as physical prowess or family lineage.

For our purposes here, the spirit of this transition is one of profound importance – it’s the emergence of the sovereign individual and the elimination of royal hierarchies…

Remember, all manifestations on the earth plane, are manifestations that begin in spirit. And the manifestation on the earth plane right now is such that government hierarchies are formed by elections, and business hierarchies formed by market success. There is no divine right to rule. There is no divine hierarchy. There is no lordship, except the lordship that one earns by the pure projection of power.

Of course, it is imperfect, and our evolutionary baggage, as well as cronyism, favoritism and prejudice still pervert our hierarchies. But as a whole, humanity intends well. We understand the value of the individual. We believe in meritocracy. And we recognize freedom.

Within this context, think about this:

In the medieval world, where the grimoire traditions of the West hail from, it makes perfect sense to talk to a spirit and tell it that you “command it in the name of it’s king ‘so and so’ to obey your every command”. After all, in the middle-ages, if you dressed up like a official of the king’s court and talked like that to a peasant and were convincing, they would probably obey you.

In the medieval world, it is also perfectly sensible to imagine a spirit world with a God at the top, with it’s arch angels, ruling other assistant angels, and lesser angels and lesser spirits; all in some grand pecking order that represents the human kingdom.

We must never forget how we think differently about our world compared to how the people who wrote these grimoires thought about the world!

Today, we live in a very different world…

Of course, there are still power dynamics. There are those that command, and those that obey.

But there are no longer rigid hierarchies like the shemhamforash or the sigilum dei try to project. No spirit is above, or below another due to it’s “birthright”, “divine stature”, or “closeness to god”. We don’t talk to anyone and say “in the name of the king, bring me my pizza”!

Everything is democratized. Spirits are equalized. (Incidentally, the various Gods of India, have been existing in that pattern for a much longer time… something else to consider.)

Ultimately – the rigid hierarchies of medieval aristocracy are long dead.

Today, in the world of spirits, “bank accounts” dictate how much “weight” words carry, or how forcefully the “legal world” enforces one’s will.

In the light of this analogy, contemplate the nature of power and status, and remove the historical and outdated human projections from spirit.

Our ancestors lived in a fucked up world, and they had fucked up ideas about how the cosmos and the spirit world was organized. They were half evolved chimps that had little to no scientific knowledge, and they were clueless to the depth of their ignorance, as well as, their lack of evolution. Think about the arrogance to claim that they were created in god’s image!

Doesn’t mean they got everything wrong and everything they said or believed is worthless.

But it does mean that, superstitiously perpetuating their wrongs due to your ignorance, cowardice and stupidity… Well… That’s on you.

Wake up!