Sacred Suspicion

Sacred Suspicion

Sooo… Like many males of many species, the male is basically a semenbag waiting to serve the reproductive purpose of the female…

I bet the male anglerfish has a “gut feeling” and an “intuitive sense” that it’s following it’s inner calling, and doing exactly what it’s supposed to do…

Makes one think..

Humans are social animals.

Your brain doesn’t serve you. Your brain is built to serve your tribe.

What feels like it’s good for you, is not necessarily good for your self.

This is what we call sacred suspicion. Be suspicious of the natural. It is the greatest impediment to the discovery of your self.

Here, the definition of self is exceedingly important.

  • Your personality?
    • This is cultural and conditioned. Not you. Neti neti.
  • Your instincts and feelings
    • This is genetic and epigenetic. Not you. Neti neti.
  • What you think you know? Your misguided reason?
    • Lies you have bought into. Religion. Superstition. Also not you. Neti neti.
  • Your reason aimed at truth?
    • This is the path to discovering you.
    • It is the mechanism of discovery.
    • It is the potential to create/find your self.

In this definition, your self does not exist. It only exists as a potential. You do not exist, you think you do. This is not even your final form. Hell, it’s not even your first form! You’re like a larvae.

Your self could be discovered, perceived, and if you work at it, embodied by your body/mind/personality complex while you are incarnate on earth.

But this takes a special kind of work.

And you can only do this if you realize (through study, discovery and experience) certain truths. And you must apprehend them logically, emotionally as well as spiritually.

Think of it like this: Your favorite ice cream may be chocolate served with an equal serving of lemon sorbet.

If you don’t know what ice cream is, you are shit out of luck! You’ll never find your favorite ice cream. You’ll never know the joys of perfect flavor combination.

If you do know about ice cream, but you happen to live somewhere where these flavors don’t exist, or you never try that combination, again, you’ll never discover your favorite.

In this way, instincts, religions and cultures obstruct your path to self discovery by locking you up in boxes and managing the boundaries of your experience.

And the more you think your culture helps you discover yourself, the more confused you are!

If religion is popular, religion boxes you in. If atheism is popular, atheism boxes you in. If homosexuality is banned, staying in the closet boxes you in. If homosexuality suddenly becomes accepted, expressing homosexuality boxes you in. If both are accepted, then both box you in.

There is no way out! Whatever culture gives you, by definition boxes you in! Defines you. Restricts you. Gives you a sandbox to play in. Becomes Plato’s cave.

Of course, there could be elements of what culture provides you that you discover to be yourself – perhaps chocolate and lemon sorbet is your national desert. True. Then culture may, through sheer good fortune, end up serving you and helping you find yourself. But don’t get mistaken: this is not deliberate…

Culture is not doing anything to help you find yourself, that’s not it’s intent. Just as the female angler fish isn’t intending to sexually gratify or emotionally fulfil the male. The two may coincide, but that is coincidental.

Moreover, considering the current configuration of most cultures on earth, with perhaps the slightest exception granted to the Enlightenment West and the Neo-liberal West, culture is there to define you as it’s tool, nothing more.

Therefore, only acts of wilful transgression where you trample cultural, instinctive and superstitious parts of “yourself” will free the psychic energy, and create the necessary space for you to discover yourself.

You must sacrifice – nay, offer – yourself to find yourself.

As Nietzsche says “no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself”.

Get burning!