Praising Shiva It is not a hard task to praise Shiva. One can easily find an abundance of laudable qualities about His Auspiciousness. There is, however, one specific thing about Shiva which makes Him extremely dear to the writer… Shiva is transcendent. While He may take a step into the human stream and society, by…
Cremating The Crowd-Think
Cremating The Crowd-Think The English word “spiritual” is a very dirty word because it has very little to do with Spirit and everything to do with social conditioning. In our modern culture, the word spiritual relates to popular morality and has certain connotations. When we say someone is a “spiritual person”, it is often imagined…
The Phoney Aesthetic of Modern Satanism
The Phoney Aesthetic of Modern Satanism Picture this… It’s early 2021. A bunch of chubby adolescents dressed in all black and adorned with downward facing pentagrams are participating in a “Virtual Satanic Music Festival”. A teal haired chick – the vocal of the act – raises her right hand high toward the ceiling and starts…
East vs. West & The Individual
East vs. West & The Individual First watch this: Then watch this: The main difference between the East and the West, from a spiritual perspective is that, the West has recognised the individual as divine and sovereign, whereas the East has not. As such, the two paradigms are completely incompatible. This is also part of…
Emulate Expansion, Delight & Victory
Much of my writing comes across as critical and dark. And if I were to think of a teen or tween reading my work (which is around the time when I got interested in these subjects a few decades ago), I would have drawn the wrong conclusions about the author… I would have thought that…
The Dawn of Compassion
No amount of social conditioning, religion or indoctrination can get you to comprehend compassion. Once it dawns in you, no amount of social conditioning, religion or indoctrination can take it away from you. There is a metaphysical and a practical value to compassion, but seeking it is a stupid. It dawns naturally through spiritual exertions….
The Para-Golden Rule
The Para-Golden Rule You all know the so called golden rule: “do onto others as you would have done onto you”. While this is a useful tool for thinking as a stepping stone, it is not an eternal one. Like all other axioms that posit a specific recipe for action, it denies the “case by…
Manifesting The Promethean Fire
Manifesting The Promethean Fire Spiritual principles have a type of “gravity”. It’s a kind of force that simultaneously pulls and pushes. Their push is akin to the force exerted by a monolith emerging from the crust of the earth, thrusting and evacuating the matter that stands in its way. (Incidentally, what most people perceive as…
The City of Jewels
In the current popular yoga/tantra exposition of chakras, 7 are recognised. In ascending order they are: RootGenitalBelly / Solar PlexusChest / HeartThroatThird EyeCrown It is said that most human beings operate entirely on the lowest three chakras. This is grossly oversimplified, but… Basically, the lowest three chakras represent the survival, sex, and status instincts of…
Enlightenment, Power & Magick for Sale
Enlightenment, Power & Magick for Sale I am yet to meet a Guru or guide worth their salt, who charges fees for initiation into the mysteries. Mind you, that does not include selling seminars, events, or books related to the mysteries. That’s totally fine. I’m not talking about compensating individuals for their time and energy…
East to West Yogi
East to West Yogi In the East, many yogis were sanyasis (renunciates). They dropped out of householder life, gave up a material or financial productivity, in order to focus on their spiritual development. Others were monks who followed a similar pattern in principle. In the Western world, however, while yogis and magicians did at times…
Bullshit Sacrifice
Bullshit Sacrifice “Universe was created through sacrifice.” That’s what some say. But this is a type of moralist value injection… And false. Why? How is the universe created via sacrifice? How do you know? Who does this presupposition benefit? And most importantly, how do you define sacrifice? I define sacrifice as “giving up” something for…