A Model for Human Behavior A few days ago I was hit with this insight, and now I am able to articulate it… We can reduce human motives down to specific principles by asking the question “which principle does this action, thought or deed serve?” The core and primary principle is self. Yes, everything at…
Tragedy of Re-Birth
Tragedy of Re-Birth Life is a marvel. Discussing birth is moot, if you happen to be reading this. Death is annoying. But re-birth is a true atrocity… Sometimes I cruise world news and observe humans living in their natural habitat: not cities or suburbs, but rural villages and small tribes. After all, people have been…
Overcoming Human Flaws
Overcoming Human Flaws It is a worthwhile pursuit to understand and examine humanity, which is becoming more and more possible through the advances in science and the availability of data on a mass scale. It is revealing facts that intuition seems to look over… While Intuition has a high place as one of the Supreme…
Beyond The Five Kleshas
Beyond The Five Kleshas The Five Kleshas are: Ignorance, Ego, Attachment, Repulsion and Clinging to Life. I used to have the opinion that dealing with these one at a time would be sensible, and naturally lead towards Yoga. After all, these are the chief obstructions in Yoga. And most things are best dealt one at…
Thoughts on Maya
Thoughts on Maya Maya does not mean that the world is an illusion. It means that what you see as the world is not the truth. There is more to it than meets the eye…
God With Death
God With Death Many of those who are terrified of death, cling to God with ardent faith. In our consensus reality, religion happens to be a very popular method for coping with death. Sure, there are other beliefs and even some promising scientific advancements that if not claim to overcome, at least hint at delaying…
Gnostic vs Tantric
Gnostic vs Tantric In the Gnostic tradition the creative/organizing principle of our solar system, or the Architect of the World is termed Demiurge. To the Gnostic, this Demiurge and it’s various minions are seen as a limiting enemy which need to be overcome and transcended, so that the individual soul can find freedom. It is…
Tragic Thievery
Tragic Thievery Ever since human beings have been dwelling the earth, they have been robbed of their potential. While this thievery was naturally occurring, not instigated by some evil entity or elite cabal; it did benefit such things greatly… What I am talking about is the fact that people are robbed of their imagination through…
On Desire
On Desire I? We? Want? Me or you? Who started it? Does it even matter? Why not enjoy this desire? Or do you desire to renounce it?
Dealing with Human Emotions
Dealing with Human Emotions Human emotions are not the Kleshas of Yoga. But emotions such as anger, greed, and lust get elevated to the status of an obstruction to yoga, and also get lectured about quite frequently. In fact, more than 80% of “spiritual” teachings I stumble upon dwell on what you should or should…