Why The Sacred West

Why The Sacred West

If you ignore the hysterical propaganda and the insanity of the academic class that has gotten rabid with self hatred and grown desperate for the signaling of virtue; you can see the truth.

And the truth is, Western Civilization, defined as, the cultural and political paradigm that emerged after the European Enlightenment of the Renaissance is sacred.

At it’s core, this paradigm is a transhumanist paradigm. It elevates the homo-sapien toward homo-economicus, and puts it on the path to becoming homo-technicus.

Homo-sapien: The indigenous human primate of the planet. Lives life instinctively, in homeostasis with it’s environment. While this balance sounds appealing to hippies, it is appalling in reality. Conflict, hunger, strife, rape, murder, disease and death are all intimate elements of that homeostasis. Homo-sapiens have little access to technology, live lives of labor, breed without control, live hand to mouth, are dominated by their instincts, conditioning and superstitions. They live trapped by their circumstances, and very few, if any can escape or even think to escape. They live off and die on the land.

Homo-economicus: This human has left the tribal framework and entered the pyramid of civilization. It uses the abstraction of money to exchange value with other members of it’s society. It enjoys, to greater or lesser degree, the protection of the rule of law – not in the form of abstract empty promises that governments peddle to fool poor people, but in actual facts and experiences. Homo-economicus has access to the fruits of civilization such as education, technology and civil liberties. They have some control over their breeding patterns, live lives inside professions that serve the market, and can strategize to guide their life to some extent. All this emancipation and empowerment, however, is counterbalanced through ideologies – be it religion, communism or consumerism. The infection of their mind with ideology, halts their progress. And to the degree that they are infected, the more their lives resemble homo-sapiens. Ultimately, most lead comfortable but managed lives, although a few can escape. Homo-economicus live off and die in the city.

Homo-technicus: This human has grown above the city framework and has entered the paradigm of the spaceship. While money is still essential, as money is a fundamental, mathematical abstraction of value; the focus has shifted to knowledge, data and technology. It not only enjoys rule of law, and the fruits of nations, but it also has technology enabled freedoms that allow it to transcend human limitations. Homo-technicus moves civilization forward. They have complete control over their reproduction, have been educated with facts, developed the abilities to critically think, analyze, and research, and as a result have also developed self-awareness (to a greater or lesser extent). Although ideologies are still a risk, homo-technicus is a child of the internet, which just like money, is also a fundamental emergent component of civilization, which leans towards free exchange of information. Armed with a free internet, every homo-technicus can easily live a life of rational self-interest, and be saved from indoctrination. Access to the internet enables the erosion of brainwashing in the light of truth. Therefore, in the final analysis, homo-technicus lives free, whether in the world or above it, and this freedom creates a unique expression of spiritual inquiry.

One must understand that this evolution up these three stages of hominid development and the emergence of Western Civilization are inextricably linked. The same force (The Promethean Fire) is behind both, which is nothing but an expression of the Cosmic Shakti of Evolution.

And one must also understand that technology, innovation and human ingenuity make this evolution possible…

Think of it this way: The human tribes are akin to a just fertilized zygote. The first cities of the world were like a baby in the womb. Western civilization and the industrial revolution has been our childhood. And with the spaceships we’ll build, once we reach stable orbit, we’ll be adolescents.

Think about these concepts as you observe the very human problems of today. And think about what’s causing them…

Realize that people who suffer under the vicissitudes of life, are not doing anything to deserve it, but their misfortune of circumstance gimps their potential and condemns them to the life of homo-sapiens. They could become, even now, homo-economicus and homo-technicus; if the right sequence of sense impressions would enter their nervous system, and they comprehended their condition free from ideology, religion and superstition.

We have sufficient resources and sufficient energy, even on planet earth, to transition everyone to homo-technicus living, and if not, at least, to the homo-economicus condition.

The real question is, do people want it? I posit they don’t. And they don’t because of The Tribal Impetus.

Sure… People don’t want to starve or live lives of slavish toil. But do they want to evolve and develop? Do they want to transmute? Do they want to escape the clutches of what it has meant to be human?

Make no mistake. Our only path to solving problems like hunger is through technology, education and the transcendence of human. Human is the problem. Homo-sapien is the problem. Homo-economicus is the transition. Homo-technicus is the goal.

And no! Such transitions do not have to come at the expense of inner experiences and emotional/instinctive possibilities we cherish. From the delights of sex to the bliss of true love, from the adrenaline rush of war, to the pride of building a business that “crushes it”; we will cherry pick the most rewarding and the most hedonistic aspects of being human with us to the stars. We are not going to become robots… We will exalt what we prefer, what each individual prefers, out of the human condition and into the stars.

Don’t let the dreads of the world fool you. Western Civilization is just the beginning, and humanity has a long way to go… And the reward is that human names will be written among the stars.

All that being said… Don’t let the future distract you from the present. A good chunk of humanity still lives in homo-sapien and entry level homo-economicus conditions. And the inability to control breeding patterns is the root of all strife:

PS – Make no mistake: the human “game” is a cooperative/competitive game. The goal of the competition is to pass on genes.

Every child is a bet at winning that game… And the impulse to “win” is so deeply rooted in all organisms that reproduce through sex, that many of them will willingly go to their death, or even tear themselves up in the process.

The greatest accomplishment of the homo-technicus is the conscious and deliberate mastery of this energy. Through the use of technology, and the framework of a sex-positive culture, instead of being ruled by the desire to breed, the homo-technicus controls, redirects, and enjoys the energy of breeding. Condoms and birth control pills are just the beginning of this process. Complete and utter control over the sex drive in all it’s aspects for *any* individual personal goal is the end.

During this journey, eventually, homo-technicus will gain the ability to edit genes. And once this sacred ability is achieved, the lekking game of competing for one’s children will become irrelevant. Yet, this transition, like all other transitions, will not be without problem.

Here: humanity will need to be extra careful!

While there will be a few advantageous edits, there will also be many disadvantageous and dangerous ones. Ultimately, if we are to succeed in this process, we must maintain stable and original DNA, not only in frozen test tubes and data archives, but also in living lines. It will take centuries to master the long term effects of our self-transcendence!

Yet, despite it’s risks and challenges this path of breeding-transcendence and genetic mastery is the core energy of The Promethean Fire.

Here’s the important part:

The West is Sacred, because it has the philosophies, principles and capabilities that is guiding humanity along this path of emancipation.

By viewing time as a linear operation, rather than a cycle, it is creating the metaphysical framework for the transmutation of homo-sapien to homo-economicus, and to homo-technicus.

By escaping religious and superstitious injunctions, by the introduction of secularism, by the defence of free speech and free markets, and by the guiding principle of the sovereign individual; The West is creating the psychic and cultural field (i.e. kshetra) for this operation to take place.

OK… So… If the West is this sacred and this good… Why then do we put special emphasis on the spiritual traditions of The East? Why focus on yoga/tantra rather than Western magickal traditions? Why is this website called smashan.org, rather than graveyard.org?

Two reasons…

1) Spiritual technologies of the West, (i.e. techniques that lead to spiritual experience and development) have been eradicated by the Catholic church.

2) Spiritual traditions of The East do not represent The East as a culture, society or a system of governance. Yoga/Tantra and the essence of the Sanatana Dharma (eternal path), are like lotus flowers that rise above the muddy waters it happens to live in.

In other words, while the West provides the temple, the East provides the song – both of which are needed to open the stargate.

Remember: As a THINKING individual, you can pick and chose, and make your own niche.

You can embrace the sacred principles of the West such as liberty, progress and privacy as your transcendental values and guiding principles. And you can recognise the force that is manifesting through these principles as the driving factor behind civilisation.

While doing all that, you can simultaneously master the spiritual methods and technologies of the East, which people have preserved, and passed down from generation to generation through great personal toil and sacrifice.

Ultimately, you can drink the milk of psychic technology from the Eastern reservoir or personal and magickal power, while discarding the water of Eastern culture, philosophy and religion.

And during that process, the recognition of the sacredness of The West functions as a phenomenal compass!

In the guiding light of the Promethean Fire, interpreted through the calculus of The West, you can make the techniques of Eastern Spiritual Traditions work for your profit.

Remember: the Promethean Fire that has build Western Civiliation and initiated the transformation of homo-sapien to homo-technicus, has also kindled the fire of authentic spiritual traditions of the East. The same force is behind both…

It has also sparked the internet and connected the East and West, combining the fruits and merging the energy of both currents.

And now, through the synthesis of these currents of wisdom, it is creating the psychic technology of The New Aeon.

Here’s the BIG key: You. Yes YOU need to do the alchemy and merge these energies appropriately within yourself – if you wish to join us in the City of The Pyramids.

Most people take technology from The West, and values and life philosophy from The East. After all, this is the easy and obvious path. It is the path of least resistance: Continue living with your current daily pattern (Western technique), while embracing some bhakti/devotion cult of moral dogmas, and the practice of grovelling before authority, as your spiritual path (Eastern culture).

That is worthless! In fact, it is worse than worthless: This synthesis is a disastrous recipe for failure and regression. Remember the hippies?

This synthesis is the blunder of tribal impetus and the mark of non-achievement…

The correct formula for synthesis is taking the practical daily life/practice pattern of the yogi/tantriks (Eastern technique), while embracing the attitude of the sovereign individual (Western culture). I cannot emphasise this enough and state the importance of this formula: The East on it’s own is self-castrating because of the cultural baggage, while The West on it’s own is impotent due to centuries of Catholic oppression. You need the potency of the East to do something, and the individualism of the West to make sure that it is your thing that you are doing, rather than the injunction of your culture.

The correct formula is taking values, principles and philosophy – including the scientific paradigm – from the West. That, after all, is the best the West has to offer.

It is also taking the psychic technologies, processes and the spark of initiation from the East, as that is the best the East has to offer. After all, it’s not the clothes, the morality, or the superstitions of the East that lead to attainment. It is the seed of initiation, nurtured through correct and effective application daily practice that yield fruit.

Combine the best of both worlds. Use one world’s gifts to uncover the treasures of the other. Do your own will, but chose wisely.

And as both summed up is greater than the sum of both parts, upon correct synthesis, and in the light of The Promethean Fire, The Sacred West will become the Sacred Up, and point your path among the stars.